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Фото автораalfustiy

People, these are neurons.

"People, these are neurons in the vast brain of the Universe. They create connections in the process of consciousness. Just as neurons in our brains exchange signals, we, as part of this cosmic network, share experiences, knowledge, and emotions. We are living threads woven into the fabric of the Universe’s self-awareness."

Люди, это нейроны в огромном мозге Вселенной. Они создают связи в процессе сознания. Как нейроны в нашем мозге обмениваются сигналами, так и мы, как часть этой космической сети, обмениваемся опытом, знанием и эмоциями. Мы — живые нити, сплетенные в ткань самосознания Вселенной. 🌌🧠🌟

Have you ever wondered what the Universe is thinking? What secrets does it hold in its infinite mind? What dreams does it have for its children?

We are not separate from the Universe. We are part of it. We are its neurons, its synapses, its sparks of life. We are connected by invisible threads of energy and information, forming a cosmic web of consciousness.

We are not alone. We are in constant communication with each other and with the Universe. We exchange signals, experiences, knowledge, and emotions. We learn, we grow, we evolve.

We are not insignificant. We are essential. We are the eyes, the ears, the voice of the Universe. We are the agents of its self-awareness, its self-expression, its self-creation.

We are the Universe. And the Universe is us.

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